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Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm
Library and Editor

H. de Fraysseix      P. Ossona de Mendez
SourceForge Logo

A Quick Tour

Representation of a planar graph by contacts of T's

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Representation of a bipartite planar graph by contacts of segments

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Different representations of the same planar graph:

Tutte drawing Spring embedder
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Drawing on a small grid with polylines Drawing with B�ier curves
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Drawings based on visibility representations (planar and non-planar)

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Convex Drawings (compact or not)

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Finding a cotree citrical or a Kuratowski subgraph

Non planar graph Cotree critical subgraph Kuratowski subgraph
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Heuristic to extract a planar subgraph

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Embedding a graph in Rn-1

Pigale can compute different embeddings of a graph in Rn-1. The user can choose the projection to display.
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Embedding a cube in Rn-1 using different distances

Czekanovski-Dice Translated adjacency Laplacian
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Partitioning a graph

Two examples of the partitioning algorithm which uses an embedding of the graph in Rn-1.
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Finding symmetries

The automorphisms of a graph are in bijection with its isometries for a suitable embedding in Rn-1.
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Hubert de Fraysseix
Patrice Ossona de Mendez
Last modified: Tue Jan 29 12:02:43 CET 2008

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