Compilation and Installation
This package includes the source files of a stand alone-library tgraph,
the editor pigale, the client program
and the sources of the freeglut library
The editor and the client use the Qt toolkit and
the OpenGL libraries for the 3-dimensional drawings.
- g++ compiler: g++ (version > 3.xx), Microsoft Compiler or Clang
- Qt version >= 5.2 (OSX Mojave needs version >= 5.12.2),
(Qt home page)
- freeglut library (used to display text in the 3d drawings),
Linux and MACOSX
- Add the following line to .bash_profile
export QTDIR='/Users/xxx/qt/5.13.0/clang_64'
- Add the following line to /private/etc/paths
- run ./runqmake.sh
- run make or make all if you want the debug versions
- run make install to install all the files in ~/pigaledist/pigale-XX.binaries
- You may have to edit runqmake.sh to define the qmake path,
- We use the freeglut library distributed with OSX,
Windows 10
Pigale has been compiled with the following:
- gcc compiler MinGW provided by Qt.
- Qt-5.13.2 toolkit.
The easiest is to compile Pigale from a command line:
- add to the system path:
- C:\Qt\5.13.2\mingw73_64\bin
- C:\Qt\tools\mingw730_64\bin
The added paths are necessary for the applications lo load extra dlls.
- open a terminal
- edit wsetGW.bat to set the QTDIR variable,
- run wsetGW.bat,
- run wqmakeGW.bat to create the Makefiles,
- run wmakeGW.bat to compile all the sources,
- run wmakeGW install to install all the files in ~/pigale-XX;binaries
The installation creates two executables: pigale and client.
There is also the possibility to create pigale-cgi to be used with a web server.
Last modified: 20/11/2019