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Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm
Library and Editor

H. de Fraysseix      P. Ossona de Mendez

pigaleWindow_doc.h File Reference

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


Variable Documentation

const char* angle_g_txt = "The angle graph without the vertex corresponding to the outer face"

const char* ccd_txt = "Convex Compact drawing"

const char* cd_txt = "Convex drawing"

const char* dual_g_txt = "The dual graph without the vertex corresponding to the outer face"

const char* embed3d_txt

Initial value:

The axis <b>X</b>,<b>Y</b>,<b>Z</b> are colored\
<H2><b>Mouse Action</b></H2>\
<li><b>Left button:</b>\
  <li>Moving along X axis -> Rotate along Y\
  <li>Moving along Y axis -> Rotate along X\
  <li>Double Click -> Start/Stop Rotate (depends on vertical slider)\
<li><b>Right button:</b> \
 Moving along X axis -> Rotate along Z\
<li><b>Wheel:</b> \
The spin boxes let you select the coordinates to display.\
The <b>facet</b> button triangulate the graph, if it is planar, and draw the faces.\

const char* embed3dSchnyder_txt

Initial value:

The Schnyder algorithm is used to compute an embedding in 3-dimensional space.<br>\
The axis <b>X</b>,<b>Y</b>,<b>Z</b> are colored\
<H2><b>Mouse Action</b></H2>\
<li><b>Left button:</b>\
  <li>Moving along X axis -> Rotate along Y\
  <li>Moving along Y axis -> Rotate along X\
  <li>Double Click -> Start/Stop Rotate (depends on vertical slider)\
<li><b>Right button:</b> \
 Moving along X axis -> Rotate along Z\
<li><b>Wheel:</b> \
The spin boxes let you select the coordinates to display.\
The <b>facet</b> button triangulate the graph and draw the faces.\

const char* fileopen_txt

Initial value:

 "Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>\
    A <em>.txt</em> file contains only <b>One</b> graph <br>\
    A <em>.tgf</em> file contains a <b>collection</b> of graphs"

const char* fpp_txt = "The original Fraysseix Pach Pollack algorithm to produce a Fary drawing"

const char* jacquard_txt = "Jacquard spring embedder which preserves planarity\nTutte circle may give better results\nESC to stop"

const char* left_txt = "Opens <b>previous</b> graph from the current <em>tgf</em> file"

const char* redo_txt = "Reload the <b>current</b> graph from the current opened <em>tgf</em> file"

const char* right_txt = "Opens <b>next</b> graph of the current opened <em>tgf</em> file"

const char* schnyder_txt

Initial value:

The original Schnyder algorithm to produce a Fary drawing\
<li> <b>Schnyder</b> triangulates the graph by adding edges.\
<li> <b>Schnyder V</b> triangulates the graph by adding vertices.\
<li>If the option <b>longest face</b> is selected, the exterior face will be the longest face.\
<li>The shape of the exterior face is defined in the options menu <b>Schnyder: Rect</b>.\
<li>The edges will be colored <b>R G B</b> if the options menu <b>Schnyder: Color Edges</b> is set.\

const char* spring_txt = "General spring embedder\nESC to stop"

const char* springPM_txt = "Spring embedder which preserves the map and the crossings\nESC to stop"

const char* tutte_circle_txt = "The resulting embedding is similar to traditional spring embedders"

Generated on Thu Jan 31 16:51:19 2008 for Pigale by  doxygen 1.5.4