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Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm
Library and Editor

H. de Fraysseix      P. Ossona de Mendez

File.cpp File Reference

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Define Documentation

#define TAG_COORDLAB   516

#define TAG_ECOLOR   523

#define TAG_ELABEL   524

#define TAG_ELIST   515

#define TAG_EWIDTH   525

#define TAG_LEDA   518

#define TAG_M   514

#define TAG_N   513

#define TAG_NAME   512

#define TAG_VCOLOR   517

#define TAG_VCOORD   520

#define TAG_VERSION   519

#define TAG_VIN   522

#define TAG_VLABEL   521

Function Documentation

int DeleteTgfRecord ( tstring  filename,
int  index 

int GetTgfNumRecords ( tstring  fname  ) 

void Init_IO (  ) 

int IO_Capabilities ( int  d  ) 

int IO_DeleteRecord ( int  d,
tstring  fname,
int  index 

const char* IO_Ext ( int  d  ) 

int IO_GetNumRecords ( int  d,
tstring  fname 

int IO_IsMine ( int  d,
tstring  fname 

int IO_n (  ) 

const char* IO_Name ( int  d  ) 

int IO_Read ( int  d,
GraphContainer G,
tstring  fname 

int IO_Read ( int  d,
GraphContainer G,
tstring  fname,
int &  NumRecords,
int &  GraphIndex 

int IO_Save ( int  d,
GraphAccess G,
tstring  fname 

tstring IO_Title ( int  d,
tstring  fname,
int  index 

int IO_WhoseIs ( tstring  fname  ) 

int IsFileAscii ( const char *  name  ) 

tstring ReadAsciiGraphTitle ( tstring  filename  ) 

int ReadGeometricGraph ( GraphContainer G,
tstring  fname,
int &  NumRecords,
int &  GraphIndex 

int ReadGraph ( GraphContainer G,
tstring  fname,
int &  NumRecords,
int &  GraphIndex 

int ReadGraphAscii ( GraphContainer G,
tstring  filename 

int ReadTgfGraph ( GraphContainer G,
tstring  fname,
int &  NumRecords,
int &  GraphIndex 

tstring ReadTgfGraphTitle ( tstring  fname,
int  index 

int SaveGraphAscii ( GraphAccess G,
tstring  filename 

int SaveGraphTgf ( GraphAccess G,
tstring  filename,
int  tag 

Variable Documentation

Taxi_FileIOHandler* FileIOHandler = 0 [static]

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