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H. de Fraysseix      P. Ossona de Mendez

svector Class Template Reference

Inheritance diagram for svector:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for svector:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class svector< T >

Dynamic vector with elements of type T.

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Private Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

svector (  )  [inline]

svector ( int  a,
int  b 
) [inline]

svector ( int  a,
int  b,
const T &  value 
) [inline]

svector ( int  n  )  [inline]

svector ( const svector< T > &  v  )  [inline]

svector ( int  a,
int  b,
const T *  p 
) [inline]

~svector (  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

_svector& me (  )  [inline, private]

Reimplemented in smap.

const _svector& me (  )  const [inline, private]

svector& operator= ( const svector< T > &  v  )  [inline]

T& operator[] ( int  i  )  [inline]

access to element with index i (should exist)

const T& operator[] ( int  i  )  const [inline]

T& operator[] ( tbrin  i  )  [inline]

const T& operator[] ( tbrin  i  )  const [inline]

T& operator[] ( tedge  i  )  [inline]

const T& operator[] ( tedge  i  )  const [inline]

T& operator[] ( tvertex  i  )  [inline]

const T& operator[] ( tvertex  i  )  const [inline]

T& operator() ( int  i  )  [inline]

access to element with index i (resizes vector when necessary)

T& operator() ( tedge  i  )  [inline]

T& operator() ( tvertex  i  )  [inline]

T& operator() ( tbrin  i  )  [inline]

T* begin (  )  [inline]

pointer to first element

Reimplemented from _svector.

const T* begin (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from _svector.

T* end (  )  [inline]

pointer after last element (first invalid index)

Reimplemented from _svector.

const T* end (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from _svector.

T* origin (  )  [inline]

pointer to origin element (index 0)

Reimplemented from _svector.

const T* origin (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from _svector.

static svector& cast ( _svector< T > &  v  )  [inline, static]

static explicit conversion method from untyped vector

static const svector& cast ( const _svector< T > &  v  )  [inline, static]

const T* pinit (  )  const [inline]

pointer to default value

Reimplemented from _svector.

void definit ( const T &  value  )  [inline]

defines a default value

void getinit ( T &  value  )  const [inline]

gets the default value

void DeletePack ( int  i  )  [inline]

deletes element with index i, by shifting all elements right to it to the left

void Tswap ( svector< T > &  v  )  [inline]

void SwapIndex ( int  a,
int  b 
) [inline]

swaps two elements

Reimplemented from _svector.

svector& vector (  )  [inline]

alias for the vector (for use in derived classes)

Generated on Thu Jan 31 16:52:08 2008 for Pigale by  doxygen 1.5.4