_Action | |
_Bicon | |
_DFS | |
_DFSHist | |
_DFSLrSort | |
_Error | |
_FastHist | |
_Hist | |
_Kuratowski | |
_LrSort | |
_Side | |
_svector | Simple dynamic scalar vector [start:finish-1] |
_T_Error | |
ArrowItem | Used to display an arrow whose size and loaction depends on the edge length |
bannerEvent | |
ChannelRouter | |
Classifier | Class used to spread vertices in classes |
clearTextEvent | |
Client | Creates a Thread to read input data, and a QTcpSocket to dialog with the server |
clientEvent | |
ClientSocket | |
ColorItem | Are the coloured rectangles used to define the colors of vertices and edges |
ColorRepository | |
CursItem | Used when creating an edge |
DFSGraph | |
DFSKura | |
DFSKura2 | |
DFSLow | |
DoubleOccurenceSequence | |
drawgEvent | |
EdgeItem | An edge is represented by two EdgeItem (corresponding to its lower and upper part) and an ArrowItem |
Embed | |
EmbedRnGraph | Topological graph embedded in ![]() |
flist | |
GeometricGraph | |
GLControlWidget | |
GLWindow | |
Graph | |
Graph_Properties | |
GraphAccess | |
GraphContainer | |
GraphDebug | |
GraphEditor | The main class of the Pigale Editor |
GraphGL | |
GraphmlElmt | |
GraphmlParser | |
GraphmlReader | |
GraphmlReaderInfo | |
GraphSym | Window to display symetries |
GraphWidget | Widget of pigaleWindow |
handlerEvent | |
InfoItem | Used to display some info |
IntList | |
KantShelling | |
key_desc | |
LineItem | LineItem is used for the grid |
LMCShelling | |
Locals | Locals of the embedder |
MaxPath | |
Mouse_Actions | |
MyErrorHandler | |
NodeItem | Used to represent a vertex with/witout a label |
PAccess | |
pigalePaint | To display non Fary drawings |
PigaleServer | |
PigaleThread | Main non GUI thread that executes all algorithms |
pigaleWindow | Main class of Pigale which constructs all the menus and widgets |
Point2_ | |
Point3_ | |
progressEvent | |
Prop | Vector property |
Prop1 | Single property |
PSet | Set of vector property for scalar types (without constructor or destructor) |
PSet1 | Set of single properties |
readyEvent | |
RectangularMatrix | Rectangular matrix |
RnEmbedding | |
RnEmbeddingPtr | |
RoRadioButton | |
rsvector | Reference to a dynamic vector with elements of type T |
SchnyderPacking | |
SchnyderWood | |
serverInitEvent | |
serverReadyEvent | |
smap | |
SMatrix | |
SplitGraph | Class used to partition a graph using a factorial embedding in ![]() |
stack | |
staticData | |
StructField | |
StructHeader | |
StructIfd | |
StructIfdHeader | |
StructTagList | |
StructureParser | |
StructureParserCheck | |
svector | Dynamic vector with elements of type T |
SWShelling | |
SymWindow | |
tarray | |
Taxi_FileIO | |
Taxi_FileIO_ASCII | |
Taxi_FileIO_Tgf | |
Taxi_FileIOGraphml | |
Taxi_FileIOHandler | |
Taxi_rgb | |
tbrin | |
tedge | |
textEvent | |
Tgf | |
Tgrid | |
ThickItem | Used to modify the width of an edge |
threadRead | Thread whose task is to read the input data |
Timer | |
TopologicalGraph | |
TriangularMatrix | Triangular matrix handling as a symmetric square matrix |
TSArray | TGF uses a very primitive dynamic array: |
tstring | |
tvertex | |
TypeHandler | |
TypeHandler< svector< tstring * > > | |
TypeHandler< tstring > | |
UnionLongWord | |
vP | Template class for virtual access point to vector properties |
vP1 | Template class for virtual access point to single properties |
vProp | Pure virtual class performing typed access to vector properties |
vProp1 | Pure virtual class performing typed access to single properties |
waitEvent | |
writeBufEvent | |
writeEvent |